Open Mic Adventures LXVII: “Ode Napoléon”

Late last year I started working on a longer work about Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.  I’d seen Ridley Scott’s Napoleon (2023), and while the film is riddled with inaccuracies, I still found it immensely enjoyable and fascinating.  I also find Napoleon fascinating as an historical figure, as did the leading philosophers of the nineteenth century.  How could his shadow not loom large on European and world history?

So I set about composing “Ode Napoléon“—one of the longer works I’ve composed in some time.

Ode Napoléon” is tone poem depicting the rise and fall Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France. It’s composed for piano, right-hand organ, small choir, and drums, but works well as an electronic instrumental composition.

I don’t have a full score, because the full score runs to thirteen pages!  But I have attempted to embed the score via Noteflight; if it doesn’t work, my apologies!  You can view it directly here.

Happy Listening!


Other Editions of Open Mic Adventures:

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