Open Mic Adventures LXII: “O Little Town of Bethlehem”

The Christmas season is technically still in full swing until Epiphany on 6 January 2024, but I know everyone is now looking ahead to the new year.  Still, yours portly isn’t one to let a video go to waste, so here’s my rendition of “O Little Town of Bethlehem.”

I really love this song, and have written about it extensively in the past.  It’s a beautiful, deceptively simple melody, with gorgeous harmonies behind it.  It’s remarkable that the composer wrote it in the middle of the night mere hours before its first rehearsal!

Here’s the same video on YouTube:

Happy New Year!


Other Editions of Open Mic Adventures:

6 thoughts on “Open Mic Adventures LXII: “O Little Town of Bethlehem”

  1. Done.

    From the 6th onwards, I won’t be able to do it since I’m deleting my disqus account. I have some pretty big priorities – mainly work and book – that I need 100% focus on so in a few days time, I’ll be off TCW, maybe for a year or two; it all depends on how long it takes.

    I’ll read and occasionally comment/submit a piece here but not as often. In the meantime, you can and Audre can post links over on TCWs Readers Forum. I hope they come and I hope they stay. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, dude!

      Yes, please—absolutely work on your book. That is important to you, and it is important to me that you can focus on it.

      I’ll begin insinuating myself into the Boomer Brit circles of TCW. ; D


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