Open Mic Adventures XXI: Styx’s “Come Sail Away”

On Valentine’s Day I took a few moments from a morning planning period to do a cheeky cover of Styx’s “Come Sail Away.”  My High School Music Ensemble students are performing it as one of the selections for our big Spring Concert (coming in March!), and I thought it would be a fun tune to play for Open Mic Adventures.

I often perform it live, and usually sing it in a higher register, slipping into my falsetto when necessary.  The song is in C major, which I find is a key that easy to play (no sharps or flats!) but sometimes difficult to sing due to my vocal range (I’m more comfortable around A major).

Due to a bit of congestion, I decided to try singing it in a much lower baritone-bass register, and I’m pleased with the results.  It’s not quite as powerful as Dennis DeYoung’s nasally, stratospheric, Broadway-influenced vocals, but I think it came out pretty well.

Here’s my goofy cover version; you can tell that I hesitate a split second entering the first verse, because I almost sang it high!:

One day I’ll have to play that psychedelic, synthesized flute solo section in the second half of the tune.  Or maybe not—I think the song is good enough without all of that foolishness.

Happy Belated Valentine’s Day!

Happy Listening!


Other Editions of Open Mic Adventures:

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