2000 Days!

Well, here it is!  Today (Friday, 21 June 2024) marks 2000 days of daily posting!  That’s roughly 5.48 years of daily posting—whoa!

It’s not always been easy, and there have been several times where I thought about throwing in the towel due to time constraints, stress, etc.

I’m grateful to my contributors for seeing me through these difficult times.  Audre Myers and Ponty have provided thousands of words of quality content, which has often buoyed yours portly during busy seasons.  I hope, too, to one day feature some of the works of Son of Sonnet again.  Of course, if readers would ever like to contribute to the blog, let me know!

A big thanks, too, to my readers for your unflagging support.  I don’t know who reads daily and who catches up when they can, but I know many of you are coming back again and again to drink at this portly trough of mediocre commentary and analysis.

Of course, if you’ve like to support my content further, I’d encourage you to consider a subscription to my SubscribeStar page.  Currently, subscribers help me to pay for the WordPress bills, so I am very thankful for your support.  You can also make a donation using the form below; might I recommend 2000 cents ($20.00)?

I also have tons of awesome music!

Regardless, thank you so much for your continued support.  If you have any favorite TPP moments, share them in the comments below.

Here’s to another 2000 days—maybe!

Much Love,



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18 thoughts on “2000 Days!

  1. Congratulations, mate, and thanks for letting me post here. 👍

    Once I’ve fixed the camera and PC software, I can belatedly send you words and pictures from our recent D-Day shindig; one of our locals hired a 40s singer – who was fantastic – set up 40s style carnival games and some of the punters came in fancy dress; mostly soldiers and land girls.

    I’d planned on doing this the day after the event but I had issues with the computer and then God knows how many hospital visits. Hopefully, I can do it over the weekend. Will keep you updated.

    Liked by 1 person

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