Supporting Friends Friday: The Sandwhich Press

As I’m working on Péchés d’âge moyen, my collection of short piano miniatures, I’d be remiss if I didn’t recognize the influence of Telegram user Goth Kilts.  She has been a huge source of encouragement as I begin dabbling in composing again, and a friendly sounding board for some of my musical ideas.

Kilts is herself quite a prolific commentator through her excellent Telegram page, The Sandwhich Press (and, yes, it’s spelled with the extra “h,” although the URL for her page spells “sandwich” the normal way).  It boasts over 500 subscribers, all of them richly deserved.

As such, I wanted to dedicate today’s edition of Supporting Friends Friday to The Sandwhich Press, and the insightful, humorous, and Goth-inflected TradCath [she’s actually Coptic Christian—oops!] commentary of Goth Kilts.

Kilts is Australian, so she is living firsthand in the modern police state that that country has become (it’s rather ironic that a nation founded by convicts and outcasts is now imprisoning itself once again).  I used to conceive of Australia as another bastion of freedom, possessing a robust frontier spirit—kind of like “America, Jr.”  I always kind of figured that if things got really terrible here, Australia would make for a good place to bug out, hanging out among the wallabies and lustily singing “Waltzing Matilda.”

Well, it turns out they’re just as poz’d as we are.  The silver lining to all of the oppression is that it makes for entertaining commentary from The Sandwhich Press.

Even if Australia hadn’t descended into a dystopian nightmare, Kilts’s posts are excellent.  She brings a uniquely Gothic perspective to her commentary, especially when writing about Christianity.  She is, as far as I can tell, a very traditional Catholic, and has even praised The Addams Family as being a model Catholic family—an amorous husband eager to have lots of children with his elegant wife, and two obedient but mischievous students.  [UPDATE:  Kilts informs me she is Coptic Christian.  Talk about kicking it old school!]

Some of Kilts’s insights are hilarious, too.  Here’s one from earlier this week:

Alexander the Great didn’t conquer Asia in a Tesla.

So much said in so little space.  Here’s another, on the Canadian trucker protests:

Canada is finding out why the ancient Roman Patrician class didn’t let the Plebians [sic] own horses.

Here’s a great one about the influence of Christianity upon European civilization:

The joy of a Bridegroom and His Bride made the European soul.
Europe bloomed when it joined in the heavenly ululation to celebrate the union of God and Man in Mary’s flesh.

Europe fell madly in love with the Son of God and His Mother. It is this holy madness that made Europe. Without it, the pagan East would have swallowed the West in successive tribal and imperial invasions. Europeans, far from being a genetic reality, are better described a frenetic civilization waiting for the Cosmic Wedding of Christ.

That’s just a taste of what The Sandwhich Press has to offer.  If you use Telegram, I recommend checking it out.  At the very least you’ll be entertained; very likely you’ll be enlightened as well.

One thought on “Supporting Friends Friday: The Sandwhich Press

  1. If you want an excellent read about the growth of Christianity in the West then I recommend the English historian Tom Holland’s book Dominion. The great civilisation of Europe could not have existed without Christianity. It was much more than an influence, it was at the very heart of what produced so much of the world’s greatest art, architecture, music and literature. Also, find the 1969 series Civilisation written and fronted by art historian Kenneth Clarke on YouTube, still so relevant to the absurd times in which we now find ourselves. A series of thirteen 50 minute episodes presented by a middle aged white man talking direct to camera would not be made today but then, there will never be another Kenneth Clarke.

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