The Seasons in England

My newfound English readers—thanks to Audre for bring them over—have really enlivened the comment section of the blog.  One commenter, 39 Pontiac Dreamer, submitted some photographs of England in the autumn and the spring, as well as his local church; a country lane; and the local.

Here is 39PD’s e-mail to me, with accompanying pictures:

Hi Tyler,

Here are the pictures promised. The first taken in the Autumn, the second in Spring.

I’ve added a picture of our local church, St John the Baptist, the 4th is the country lane that takes us to our local, the 5th picture.

I’ve been meaning to take some more pictures of the village but the weather hasn’t been good of late. Hopefully, it’ll pick up again soon and I can pop out with the camera.

All the best

Michael (39 Pontiac Dream)

While enduring the heat and humidity of September in South Carolina, just lie back and think of England.

Thanks for sharing, 39PD!


8 thoughts on “The Seasons in England

  1. Crikey, you don’t waste any time! I wonder if you ever get the time for sleep! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Thanks, Tyler. I’m glad I could share some of our lovely village with you. The forecast is good for Sunday (though with English weather, that could change) so if I remember, I’ll take the camera out and get some snaps of the centre of the village. It really is beautiful and I hope it stays that way. As Audre will know, villages have come under pressure from developers and councils don’t seem to mind ripping up the countryside. I wrote an article on it, for The Conservative Woman, the other day. More and more village residents need to say no to these infringements on our quiet little villages otherwise the entire country will turn into a concrete park.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I put in a lot of hours every day between teaching, lessons, and writing. It can be a bit much sometimes, but I enjoy it. Today I just happened to have a HUGE block of planning in my school’s bizarre rotating schedule: fifty-five-minute planning periods before AND after lunch, not to mention lunch itself, so I was able to get a ton of grading done _and_ post your pictures. Thanks again for sharing!

      I will look up your TCW piece. I’m all for development and what not, but we’re losing some historic and scenic properties here in the States, too, to overdevelopment. Fortunately, we have WAY more open country still available. Y’all don’t have that luxury.

      But, like y’all, we have a lot of complacent residents in our small towns who are willing to let things go to crap without putting up a fight. In my town, I see many residents waking up and pushing back. As their Councilman, I’ve become their unqualified, but only, champion (although I think that word gives me WAY too much credit). Still, it’s been a process—a hard one—learning to push back against some of the short-sighted approaches to problems in our town.

      Liked by 2 people

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