Phone it in Friday LII: YouTube Roundup VIII

My YouTube channel continues to grow, albeit a bit more slowly.  At the time of writing, I have seventy-seven (77) subscribers.

Regardless of the rate of growth, I am having a blast with the format.  There’s still so much I need to learn, but it’s fun putting these videos together.  It’s also been a great outlet for my composing, and I’ve gotten into something of a schedule:  LEGO- and LEGO-adjacent build videos on Mondays, and compositions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

I have three good ones this week, featuring Moses, Napoleon, and steampunk.

Also, this post includes some Amazon Affiliate links.  If you purchase anything through those links, I get a portion of the proceeds, at no additional cost to you.  Just gotta put out there—Amazon requires it!

Nativity Bricks Moses Minifig

After building the Nativity from Nativity Bricks (watch it here), the company sent me a free Moses minifigure!  He’s $9 normally, so getting him for free was pretty sweet.  I love how he has a little brick that says, “Ten Commandments” on it:

“Ode Napoléon”

This video doesn’t have a lot going on visually, but there’s a ton happening musically.  “Ode Napoléon” is the opening track from my latest release, Firefly Dance; it’s an epic tone poem about the rise and fall of the infamous emperor:

FunWhole® Steampunk Hot Rod Build & Review

My foray into LEGO knock-offs continues with the FunWhole® (stylized “FUNWHOLE”) Vintage Car/Steampunk Hot Rod set, which I picked up for about $18 on Amazon.  It’s a cool little set that was pretty good quality, and includes a neat LED lighting kit:

That’s it for another round of wacky YouTube shenanigans.

Happy Viewing!



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