Myersvision: Audre’s Exorcism

Last Thursday Audre Myers e-mailed me a comment for my post “TBT^4: Things That Go Bump in the Night” (she’s having some issues logging into WordPress to comment—d’oh!).  I asked if I could post it on the blog as its own post, and she agreed.

The title I’ve given her comment-post is a bit of artistic license; I’m sure Audre would not call it an “exorcism,” but she definitely cast something out in the Name of Jesus Christ.

It’s become a trope in horror films, especially of the demonic possession variety, that messing around with fortune telling, Ouija boards, etc., opens one up to demonic influence.  I suspect that our habitual sins open us up far more frequently, but I also strongly believe we shouldn’t mess around with the occult, even in a supposedly playful manner.  I know Ouija boards are mass-produced by Milton Bradley, which somehow takes away some of the demonic mysticism of them; still, I imagine Satan loves the Industrial Revolution and mass production.

We have victory in Jesus.  Praise the Lord!

With there, here is Audre’s fascinating tale of victory in Christ:

Here’s a story I’m willing to share – believe it, don’t believe, doesn’t matter to me. I lived it.
I had a ‘ladies day’ at my house, invited friends and coworkers and some women who support themselves in various ways. One was a beautician, one was a masseuse, and one was a fortune teller. The fortune teller used the spare bedroom to do her readings and that bedroom is directly behind my dining room. It was a fun day, everyone had a good time and the working women made some money.

Something slowly began to happen. I’d walk across my dining room to go to my computer room and get just a little ‘something’ uncomfortable that left me as soon as I passed a particular corner of the dining room. After a few days, I noticed I was becoming uncomfortable about walking my common path to the computer room and would swing wide to go there another way. And then, I started to feel uncomfortable about the spare room, which is directly across from computer room. Several more days went by and I became aware that I was flat out AFRAID of the dining room and spare room. Afraid! In my own house! Nothing there that anyone could see but the feeling was bad – creepy bad. Like something was there I never wanted to meet face to face.

More days went by with this feeling of dread growing. I cast about in my mind what could be done about it. Had I lost my mind? Was there some kind of stress in my life that was causing this to happen? What was I going to do? It couldn’t keep on this way because it was really affecting me. And then – it came to me. That fortune teller brought something into my house. Now, I don’t believe in fortune telling, I mean – c’mon, get serious. It never occurred to me when I invited her that something bad could happen. That’s just crazy talk, right? But I will look you straight in face, all these years after, and tell you she brought some ‘thing’ into my home.

When that realization struck me, I knew what to do. I gathered up all my courage, went into the dining room and cast out whatever was there in the name of Jesus Christ. I went into the spare room and cast out whatever was there in the name of Jesus Christ. I was as serious as I have ever been in my life – only Jesus could handle what happened in my house and I believe in Him even more than I believe in myself. Jesus ‘cleaned’ my house. Whatever was there ran at the name of Jesus (I’m at the point of tears right now – I can feel again the wonderful release I felt). There has never been a moment since where I’ve felt the least bit uncomfortable – anywhere in the house.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

7 thoughts on “Myersvision: Audre’s Exorcism

  1. Nice story. 👍

    Fortune telling, though, is trickery, guesswork, a yarn to appease the simple minded. (Be aware, I’m not calling you simple, I’m saying that’s where they direct their wares)

    If she brought anything into your house, it’d have been nothing more than a story and the waft of incense. Opening a window is the best way to ‘cleanse’ your house after a visit.

    I’m not having trouble posting, by the way, but I still can’t like comments. Strange, that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My reply to Mike: Like you, 39, I had no belief in fortune telling but who knows what happened when she was talking to the women? All I can say is, I know what I know.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Fair enough. Tina’s with you on it, which is no surprise. I think she just likes disagreeing with me! 😂😂😂

        She says hi, by the way. I think it’s a long time since both of you commented to each other.

        Liked by 1 person

        • My response to Mike: Please give your sainted lady a big hug and kiss for me. Give her my email address – I’d love to be ‘pen pals’ with her!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve heard a dozen of these and my sceptic brain wants to qualify and hedge everything but after a while you just have to accept that people experience these things and make room for them.
    I know a tiny old woman in her 90s. In a former life she and her husband were alcoholics and she was his beard. One day the husband thought it would be fun to visit a medium and have their fortunes told. During the session my acquaintance felt very uncomfortable, and began to silently pray the Lord’s Prayer. The medium stopped, looked up and said “One of you is praying. If you keep praying, I can’t tell your fortunes.” The husband looked at his wife and said “Hey, knock it off”. She stopped and the session continued. I doubt medium truly told their fortunes: that he would die in the 90s AIDS epidemic and she would convert and help lead her grandchildren to good lives.

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